Running your own business

is a lot of work!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again!

You gotta show up. You gotta do the work. You gotta be excited about it. You gotta be LIT. You gotta be PROUD. You gotta be PASSIONATE.

I could never be with a company that I didn’t stand behind 110%.

120%. 130%.



All in. I really couldn’t. I could never be one of those Instagrammers that are paid to review some random product that is sent by companies who want advertising in exchange for a few dollars or a discount off of their products. These people can’t possibly have a good idea about the product. And the incentive for reviewing the product is not worth their time.

And it’s sheisty. It’s downright shady. hahaha

And then there’s investing into a company that has incredible momentum, has outsold all premium haircare lines in the world, is #4 in direct sales in the U.S.A. after only ~5 years, and is Leaping Bunny certified, vegan, and chemical-free.

Umm, yeah. Nuff said. You don’t even have to be a long-term customer of my business to know that we have incredible products, a bar-none compensation plan, and timing on our side. The numbers don’t lie. The momentum doesn’t. Lie.

Facts are facts!

Know what you’re getting yourself into when you invest in a company. Don’t invest in a company that’s been around for 50 years and where half the people that sign up quit because they aren’t making any money. Invest in something that’s growing exponentially like my company.

Invest in a company that has a mission of solving people’s hair issues by representing clean products that are clinically proven to heal hair from the inside, regrow and thicken hair, hydrate and moisturize hair, make hair shiny, soft, and healthy ๐Ÿ™‚

The health and beauty industry will always thrive. It’s a wise investment to make. And a cheap one too! People go to school for 4 years and spend $100k on a degree that may or may not be used, yet spending a couple hundred dollars on a side hustle is risky? This logic is flawed.

This small investment starts as a side hustle and can grow into and even replace your main stream of income. Email me for more information at!!!


What’s holding you back?

xoxoxo <3



Good morning.

This morning is going to be about business, and how to succeed in your personal business. We’re going to first look at and listen to some birds in nature, who will teach us. ๐Ÿ™‚


It’s Saturday morning and the sky is blue with a few fluffy, white clouds and I hear a bird twittering softly. A second bird just responded. A third bird said something in the background. And a fourth. Actually, the more I listen, the more I realize how many birds are out there talking. Singing. Exclaiming. Proclaiming. The more I tune my ears to what’s going on in the trees, the more I become aware of the life being lived. The population. The existence.

And as I tune my ears in to the birds, I become curious about what they look like. So I move to the window and see the birds with my eyes. It’s one thing to hear them, but it’s another to see them.

Upon the first glance, I don’t see any sign of a bird. I move closer to the window and sit down. I’m scanning from a second-story window and the sun is shining in my direction. The sunlight reflects on the glass pane and hinders my sight. Oh, but how I hear them. I know they’re there.

I open the window.

Wow. The sounds were pretty and intricate and lovely before; but how much more vibrant and glorious they are without a double-paned glass window between us.

Still no birds in sight. I become aware of my residual congestion from the head cold I’ve had the last three days. Plus, a lack of caffeination. This is a word I made up. You may use it ๐Ÿ˜‰ More hindrances to my senses.

Aha! My first bird. A blue jay. I can tell by the whiteness in the tail.

Number two just flew by. Couldn’t tell what he or she was. A small/medium brown bird.

If only I could take the screen out too. I would be able to spot the birds so much more easily.

There must be eight or ten different bird sounds that I’m hearing.

A man coughs across the courtyard. A strange bird, for sure. ๐Ÿ˜›

A beautiful bird flies by just a few feet below my window carrying a twig in her beak. She descends to the ground to collect another one. She must be building something.


Let’s make this about being successful in business.

Step 1. Go to where the people are.ย 

I want you to think of the birds we’ve been talking about as people. People in the world that exist; because we know that they do. They’re out there, singing, talking, shouting, flying by all sorts of places at all sorts of times. They’re building things and working.

It’s much easier to access these folks if you put yourself in proximity to them. What that meant for me and the birds was go to the window.

What that means for people and business is: go to the coffee shops, go to the events, go to the parties. Plan and host the parties. Make the phone calls. Send the messages. Use the social media platforms. Show up. If you don’t show up, your business won’t blow up. I guarantee. If you don’t move yourself to a place where you can better access people, you simply won’t be able to reach people.

Side note, I’m closing the window because my allergies are kicking in. It’s been nice, birdies. ๐Ÿ˜›

Step 2. Remove the obstacles.

When I moved to the window, I was closer to the birds, but I had several hindrances. One was the sunlight coming in through the pane. One was the screen. One was my own congestion and lack of coffee. Most of these obstacles are not impossible to remove.

It’s the same with business. What is hindering you from reaching people more effectively in your business? Most of the time it’s ourselves.ย “I don’tย feel like sending reach-outs today. I don’t feel like posting about business today. I don’t feel like going to this or that event. I don’t feel like taking on rejection. I’m discouraged because my seeds aren’t coming to harvest.”

If any of these sound like you, you are SO in the right place!! It all comes down to removing the obstacles:

Common obstacles that we can remove:

*emotional attachment to the outcome of our reach-out

*expectations of whether or not someone will become a partner, referral or customer

*the me-focused worldview; business shouldn’t be about YOU, it should be about helping others solve a problem/reach a goal ***this one is SO important!!!!!!

*self-doubt and discouragement (I’ll touch on this more shortly)

Step 3. Study your audience.

When I moved closer to the window and camped out for a while, I became aware that there were way more than just one or two birds outside in the trees. There were so many different kinds of birds singing different kinds of songs and performing different tasks.

If I know who’s out there, I can identify their needs. But only if I know who’s out there. Take the time to study who’s out there. Start in your local vicinity, with those close to you. They could literally be right outside your window! Heck, I just got to thinking… I should talk to my neighbors about business! Lol

Everyone is singing a different song. Listen to the tune well so you know who you’re talking to. A cookie-cutter reach-out message is fake. People know when you’re copying and pasting a message to them and everybody else and their brother. When you actually take time to study who you’re reaching out to, you can cater to their actual needs.

Step 4. Know your worth.

If you don’t believe what you have to offer is worth going to the window, you won’t go. If you don’t believe you can enhance others’ lives with your products or services, you won’t take the steps to spread the word. You won’t take the time to study your audience. You won’t even be thinking about your audience at all. At least you shouldn’t be. You should be thinking “what the heck am I doing selling something that I don’t believe in?!”

So STOP. Think of why you’re in your business. Why are you doing it? Are you doing it because you believe that you can help people? That you can change and enhance lives? That you can provide betterment for other people?

Know your worthy. Know your business is worth talking about. It’s worth investing time into. It’s worth telling others about. It’s worth thinking about and pondering and planning for and strategizing.

Now take that knowledge and share it. Share it with the people in your circles. Innermost and outermost. Build a strong customer base and roll with them. Take care of them. Cater to them. LISTEN to them. Hear their needs and deliver them. Change their lives, change their outlook. Change their perspectives.

This is the power that we have in business. This is the power we have as entrepreneurs. We get to change lives.

But we have to be researchers. We have to be observers. We have to sit and wait and watch and listen and hear before we can just jump in.

I feel most loved and care about when someone sees me and knows what I need, and then lovingly communicates that because they care about me. Not when someone word vomits all over me not knowing the place that I come from.

Let’s be loving. Let’s be strategists. Let’s be listeners. Discerners. Go-getters. Passionate. Excited. Let’s be deliverers!!!!!

Ps. If you have balding or thinning hair, dandruff or scalp issues, or want to promote healthy hair growth, shiny, healthy hair etc. please email me at!!!

Was this helpful? Comment below ๐Ÿ™‚






The difference between happiness and joy is this: happiness is fleeting and joy is a state of being.

By the power of the Holy Spirit I can remain joyful throughout any situation. No matter how many fiery darts are flying in my direction; darts of disappointment, discouragement, disdain, detestation (wow, this is a word… I like it!!! even though it means “intense dislike” hhahah ๐Ÿ™‚ )

As the darts roll in, I can let them roll off. My back, that is.


Because of the knowledge of the Truth that I am in Christ Jesus and was bought by His blood when He died on the cross 2k years ago. I trust Him with my life, and know that I stand victorious with Him against any schemes that the enemy might conjure up.

So. That being said.

I’m at an interesting time in my life. I am still working as a private, in-home caregiver. I also just started a new endeavor doing direct sales. Direct sales can be discouraging if I choose to focus on the outcome of my reach-outs. What I mean by this is simple: rejection.

Nobody likes to be rejected… but if you are working in direct sales, you have GOT to get used to rejection. Not everyone is going to like the products, want the products. Some people may even get nasty. But I know this to be true: the war is not against the flesh and blood, but in the spiritual realm. So when people take out their negativity and hatred on me, I must choose to look past it and believe that (1) it ain’t about me (2) it certainly ain’t about vegan, chemical-free, anti-aging shampoo and skincare (this is what my company offers! <3 ) and (3) I have a real opportunity to shine the light of Christ to each individual through my response to people.

Notice I said “response” and not “reaction”.

A person’s emotional intelligence (EI) can be observed through the way they deal with certain situations. When someone is being difficult, I could mirror back their pettiness and anger to them (as they might expect me to do), or I could treat them with love, compassion, and forgiveness and choose to focus on listening to them and helping them in whatever capacity. This is not to say that we should be rugs.

Don’t be a rug. Repeat: do not be a rug. I don’t want anyone to enable anyone. We are not to be enablers of bad or rude behavior.

But loving? Yes. We should all always be loving. I will listen to you. Even if you come at me from a horrible angle. Because I KNOW that it isn’t about me. Whatever work the Lord has me doing is for my sanctification, His glory, and for the sharpening of other people; be it shedding light in a dark place, encouraging others when they feel alone, enhancing somebody’s life by simply entering into their life.

Being a child of God is a big responsibility! But God didn’t leave us to do it alone. We are empowered by His Holy Spirit.

One of my favorite prayers is this: “Lord, please redirect me if I need to be redirected. Thankyou for always leading me down your path of righteousness. Lord, please line up my will with yours, and kill my desire for anything that isn’t in your will for my life. I want to live according to your design. I want to live life to the full, through the lens of grace.”

Something like that.


No two prayers are ever the same. None of that ritualistic stuff. I talk to God like I talk to any other person. Openly, honestly, with transparency, authentically. For God knows the words we’re going to speak before we even think them. Isn’t that amazing? Psalm 139 says “even before a word is on my tongue, you know it altogether”.

Lord, you knew that I was going to write this post this morning. You knew that I wanted to go to the early service but then I got held up … and this is the result of that. Lord, I pray that this post and these words blesses somebody. I pray that these words were exactly what somebody needed to hear today. Lord, I thank you for your presence with me right now. Thank you for the opportunity to do laundry this morning. I thank you for my car. I pray that you help me travel safely. Thank you for being able to worship today. Thank you for my lunch meeting. Thank you for the afternoon meeting. Lord help me make good use of my time later. Thank you for my sabbath this weekend. Thank you for restoring me. Your presence is so sweet. Thank you for teaching me how to choose you. Thank you for instilling within me the desire to seek you. I need you. I NEED YOU. Not only do I need you, but I WANT YOU. Do I believe you when you tell me that you’re the lover of my soul? That you love me with an everlasting love? When love is in the air, I just want to HEAR from the person. I can’t wait to SEE the person. I can’t wait to COMMUNE with the person. I VALUE and RESPECT the person. I want this with you.ย 

I want to hear from you.

I want to see you.

I want to commune with you.ย 

I value you. I respect you. I trust you.ย 




Whatever your vessel is that God has given you to work in, lead in, be a part of, perform in it for His glory. For HIS glory. For God sees the heart. He knows our motives. Do you trust Him?




Showing Up

It means SO much to just. Show. Up.

Show up to work.

Show up to a party.

Show up when your friend is feeling down.

Be there.

Be available. Not just physically, but emotionally.

Be consistent.

Show up. It’s hard to show up sometimes.

We don’t alwaysย feel like showing up.

Feelings get in the way of a LOT of things.

That’s why in order to have your own business, you’ve got to be able to push past theย feelings. Because if you don’tย feel like working that day, and your feelings are telling you to stay in bed and don’t pick up your phone, nobody is there to keep you accountable. You aren’t going to get paid.

Not only that, but thoughts of rejection, purposelessness and failure may begin to flood your mind. TBH that probably happens to most of us on a regular basis. But we MUST choose to push past that.

Reaching out to people is a hard task if you are in network marketing. It can be daunting. The possibility of rejection is one out of two. 50%. And the “no”‘s will come. Oh, will they come. This fact makes having a strong mental game all the more important.

It’s all about where you choose to put your focus.

Today, I choose to focus on my blessings and goals: I’ve come a LONG way and still have a long way to go. But it’s the daily choices that we make that our lives consist of. Along the way I choose to remember these things:

  1. It’s a privilege to be able to wake up and work from my house.
  2. Show up daily and success is guaranteed.
  3. Seeds take time to grow; scatter many.
  4. The more rejections, the closer I am to a “yes”.
  5. Trust God and move in faith.


So today, I’m going to show up. I’m going to stay positive. I’m going to rise above circumstance and keep my eye on the prize. I’m going to move in faith. Moving is faith in action. It’s time to act.

Do you have a call to action?




Ps. Do you have any hair or skin care goals that I can help you reach? I vend healing hair products to combat dryness, frizziness, breakage, scalp issues, oiliness, dandruff, thinning, balding… or if you just want healthier, longer hair. COMMENT BELOW!





Exciting changes.

Exciting opportunities!

Wanna be a market partner with me for Monat?? Ask me how and I’ll send you my link!

Network marketing is the way the world is moving… direct sales from the company to YOU… Through someone like me (an influencer!).

I’m super hyped about this experience. There was nothing to lose by signing up. I got a bunch of products that I already love and stand behind 100% and now my job is to tell the world about them so y’all can experience what I’ve been experiencing!

Great hair. Healthy hair. Hair care. The natural root. Vegan. Cruelty-free. Patented. Proven to restore and regenerate hair.


I’m a little bit scared to have signed up as a market partner, but I have a really good feeling about it.

Have you ever decided to take a leap of faith and sign up for something without knowing what the outcome will be?

Thank you Lord for leading me. Help me to always do things to your glory and for your glory. I love you!

