Weekender/ Testimonies ✨


"the Truth will set you free" John 8:32

I would like to share two testimonies from our trip to PA. Here is the first! Enjoy <3

We were driving North on 95 in Virginia as my husband’s eye felt progressively more and more irritated. He was driving with one hand and rubbing his right eye with the other, and we had about five hours ahead of us. The irritation had started the day before, but had come and gone a couple of times. We prayed together for his eye and both of us believed that God would heal him.

Within a couple of minutes, he said “my eye is better”. At that moment, we noticed this truck in front of us:

“God bless you. Have a nice journey”. We were both in awe and so excited for our trip!




As we got closer to our destination, things began to look a little different.

Welcome to Amish country!

We arrived at the quaintest bed and breakfast and were greeted by a coffee bar and fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. After meeting and greeting the hostess, we went up to our room and rested for a while.

Then it was time to get ready for our big event.

We went to the Sight and Sound theater to see a live production of “Moses”. If you’ve never been to the Sight and Sound theater, it’s an AMAZING experience. Here’s a website to their story if you want to check it out! https://www.sight-sound.com/location/lancaster

This is one third of the stage that we first saw when we walked in.

A strong aroma of sweet vanilla greeted us when we first walked into the building, which we discovered was fresh, warm, vanilla roasted almonds. We obliged, of course.

We couldn’t take pictures or videos throughout the show, so you’ll have to go see it for yourself! What I can tell you though, is that the story was extremely accurate and close to the bible, the actors were incredible, and the props and stage crew were better than Broadway, hands down. What has been achieved at Sight and Sound is astounding, excellent work. The show was a true inspiration that challenged me to do better and work harder. Bravo, well done!!

Afterwards, we looked for a restaurant to get something to eat and found that the few restaurants in the area were absolutely SLAMMED from apparently multiple shows happening in the area. After visiting two places and calling four, we got on a waiting list at a Dutch Smorgasbord that told us it would be an hour & a half wait. So we got on the list, hunkered down, and enjoyed some horses behind the restaurant before God moved again.

After waiting for 15 minutes it was only 6:46pm and I wasn’t sure I’d make it. I expressed my great hunger and prayed out loud that God would open up a table in 14 minutes. Thirteen minutes later, I got a text from the restaurant saying our table was ready.

After the one minute walk, we were inside 14 minutes later. Glory to Him who is able! Why did God do that? Because He cares for us πŸ™‚

When we were seated, we were told that they were the last table they were allowed to seat because their dishwasher just broke!! He loves to wow us.

After dinner we went back to the Bed and Breakfast and sat on the porch under a thick blanket of stars and listened as Amish horse-drawn buggies clip-clopped by. We turned in early, slept in late, enjoyed coffee and fresh, homemade cinnamon rolls in the garden the next day and had good conversations with new friends/travelers to end our lovely weekender.


If you made it this far, I want to encourage you that God sees you. And if you sincerely pray to Him, he hears you! He doesn’t always answer right away, and He doesn’t always answer the way we want, but He does hear. These two answers to prayer were a testimony to share with you to encourage you and bring you hope! Be bold when you talk to God, and pray with shameless audacity. Not demanding, but asking with faith and the knowledge that He is able to accomplish immeasurably more than you could ever think of or imagine.

My husband’s eye did hurt on and off again after we arrived at the bed and breakfast. But it was a huge blessing that it didn’t hurt when we were on the road. And to have seen the sign on the truck was extra joyful. It goes to show that God is really in control of our circumstances and is always watching out for us. Sometimes He heals us right away, but other times we have to work through the pain and go through the process of resting, remedying, and trusting Him no matter what the outcome. God is always still good.

It was a short, but great trip to Lancaster, PA. We’re looking forward to the next show that we’re able to attend, the memories we’ll be able to make together, and the testimonies that we will be able to share. To GOD be the glory!

Love you all <3




3:43pm to be exact! And it’s sunny outside.  πŸŒž 

We’re going dancing today!

I’m super excited! Can you tell? πŸ˜€ <3

Guys it’s been at least 2 years since I’ve been to a dancing event. I think it was in October 2020 actually. But I am so excited to go! Dancing makes me really come to life!

What makes you come to life? Comment below!

xxx <3


a new year


2022 and I’m EXCITED! To be alive and to be able to plan out some fun thangs ta do. Ps. It’s been a HOT minute since I’ve written anything on here. But I’ve got the motivation today and am so excited to return to one of my dearest loves: writing.

And planning. And being excited about life! Lol

Okay, soooo I got married in September 2021! Tomorrow is our four month being married anniversary! Yaaaaaaay!

It’s so much fun being married to the cutest, sweetest, most adorable husband in the world. (But I guess you wouldn’t know that since there’s only one of him?!!!)

Lol some a y’all out there are like “yaaaaaass hunny just wait. it’s comin’ for ya”. As if the big, bad, scary reality of how terrible marriage is is finally going to settle in soon. But I disagree. I don’t think it has to be that way. I believe that you get what you put in, and if both parties are working on having a wonderful relationship, then you’re gonna thrive. Not survive, thrive.

I’m still caregiving in 2022 – entering into my seventh year! – and loving it. God has been SO faithful in my jobs all of these years since I moved to Virginia and I couldn’t be more thankful. The people I’ve helped have helped ME so much and every relationship has truly been God-ordained. Wow.

I switched churches almost two years ago and have been absolutely LOVING our new church for its’ amazing pastor. Each week I continue to feel at peace that I’m in the right church home. I hope to become a member soon and —- YO I just paused mid-sentence to look up when the next member class is and it’s FEBRUARY 6TH! Putting it on the calendar MEOW

actual picture of my planner lol

Ps. I have the best planner ever. It’s an HOURLY Day-planner. Aka, there’s a full page for each weekday and a half page for Saturday/Sunday. And the time stamps are marked for every other line starting at 7am and going through 8pm! I love it!! If you’re a planner I highly recommend this planner! I got it here.

So. Where were we? Ahh, yes. New members class. That’ll be cool. Maybe I can start serving in the church in some capacity. Worship team? That would be awesome. Makes me a little nervous because it’s a big church. But I think it would be really fulfilling. Lord would have to sing through me though! That’s for sure.

A New Year. What all with 2022 bring! Besides working, continually learning how to grow in my relationship with God, my husband, work hard, save money and pay off debt. And maybe a couple mini trips to a couple places… πŸ˜‰

Also, SURFING. I want to get back into surfing this year! 2020 was the year I started learning how to surf and then BAM 2 injuries within two months. HOWEVER I’m doing a lot better now! I realize that eating white flour makes my knees ache, so I gotta ease back up on that. I never ate much white flour my whole life except for pizza once a week or something, but lately I’ve been eating more of it because my husband loves white pasta. Gotta switch back to wheat, as much as I don’t want to! That’ll help my surf game.

So another thing I plan to do these next couple of months is be building up my endurance to swim/surf. I was weight-lifting in 2020 and I think that really helped me. I want to get back into that in a way that won’t jack up my knee. I was doing weighted-squats before but unfortunately that’s not a great option for me anymore πŸ™ so I will have to modify my workout. Or just completely come up with a knee one. I have some resistance bands that I could use.

The thing about surfing is it’s NOT a walk in the park. It’s EXTREMELY vigorous and requires strength, swimming skills, balance and core strength and agility. I have been basically a pancake for a year, so it’ll be interesting to get back into working out. lol #2022 here we come!!!!!!!

September 13, 2020

What are your dreams and goals for the year?!!? What you focus on EXPANDS! Think good thoughts πŸ™‚


V <3

Slow learner (and pretty photos)


I have an ice pack on my groin.

Y’know why?

Cuz I just went surf-skating.

And uhh

I didn’t warm up.

Unless you count bombing down a hill for 15 seconds before jumping off the board so I didn’t die and then pulling a muscle in my downstairs.

Yahhh cool beans.

First of all.


I really wanted to skate. And I only skated for 15 seconds.

Cuz I’m old.

And pulled a muscle in my groin-space.

After 15 seconds.


I’ma keep this on the down low.


facepalm-ness. lol

Guyz. I had an icepack down there.


Okay. I’m done talking about that aspect. More importantly, this:

when am I gonna lean? To ease into things?

GOSH my haste makes waste. KNOWN DIS

lol why is it so easy to act impulsively?

without thinking of consequences.




sometimes it takes me soooo many times before I learn a lesson. Golly

I know my punctuation is harrible. I am also spelling some words wrong because I think it’s FUNNEE

but the slow learning part? Not too funny :/

Anyway, maybe this pain will teach me a lesson.



Yeah. Take it from me folks. Ease into things in life.

Don’t rush in. For real. Whatever it is. Job opportunity. Relationship prospect. New church. Meal in front of you. Dawg. Take your time and enjoy.

Better yet, take your time and mull things over. Ease in. Breathe in between steps, bites, thoughts.

What on earth is the rush? She asks herself.

Yeah. Still trying to figure that one out.

K, love you guyz


People remember

kind acts.

Kind acts go a long, long way. This morning I was reminded of when some random people lent me and my BFF their $650 tent in the woods when we were backpacking the John Muir Trail in California in 2014. These two folks were observing our ginormous 8 pound, 8-person tent that the two of us were carting around in our already heavy backpacks and made a suggestion.

“Send your tent home and we’ll have our friend bring you guys a lighter tent when we meet up with him at the next food resupply in two days.”

We were so surprised and thankful for their offer! We agreed and borrowed their tent.

May be an image of 2 people and people smiling

It weighed only 14 oz and was perfect for the two of us. Okay, maybe a leeeeeeeeetle cozy ;-P

But we were so thankful to Jeanine and Craig. Who does that?

My BFF and I concluded that people over 10k feet are generally pretty cool.

I told this story to a new friend and she told me that it sounds like there is a “brotherhood” among the trail family. I thought that was a perfect description. But moreso, we will never forget their kindness.

To think that a single act of kindness would be forever engrained into our memories is a beautiful, powerful thing. It’s been 7 years since they lent us that tent, and the memory is still as kind and wonderful as when it first occurred.

Deep-seated, selfless kindness is an act of love. Real love. With no hidden agenda. No strings attached. No tit for tat. And it is long lasting.

I want to remember this! And pay it forward.

What a sweet memory. That still lives in my mind <3

Thanks Jeanine and Craig πŸ™‚



First motorcycle ride (and reflecting on alcohol)

Eeeeeeeeeeeeek ohmigoodness guys. I am SO nervous and excited right now! Mostly excited πŸ˜€ because I’m about to go on my FIRST EVER motorcycle ride!!!!!!!

Hahahaha seriously this is hilarious that I’m even doing this. I definitely did NOT anticipate this or plan it. Lol but the other night I was talking to a friend about an upcoming event and he asked me if I wanted to ride with him on his MOTO and I was like maaaaaybe. And then he said that I could try riding it first this weekend and guys, I said yes. Lol

Just being completely honest here, not too much time had passed since the margarita that I had drank before this conversation took place. πŸ˜‚Β πŸ˜‚Β πŸ˜‚Β No shame.

Regarding alcohol and christianity:

I believe that alcohol is a good gift from God. Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine. Enjoying a social drink with friends is a wonderful thing. However, the bible says that drunkenness is wrong. I actually did a video on this. Check it out here. (And please subscribe to my YouTube channel for videos on how to improve your relationship with God, others and yourself!)

Just keep this in mind; every choice we make in life ripples out. For some people, even having one drink messes up their whole life or their family’s lives. The fact is, some people simply should NOT drink alcohol. I thank God that I am able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage every now and again, but the truth of the matter is, if I never drank alcohol again I would be 1000% okay with that. It’s not my be-all, end-all.

And please God, if you have a drinking problem, send me an email at velvet@velvetyoung.com and I will be happy to pray for you and encourage you.

Now, back to my motorcycle ride. lol


Last night I watched several videos (a couple were 20+ minutes long) on how to ride a motorcycle for beginners. My friend is actually going to teach me how to ride this thing. But first I’m just going to ride with him.

I’ve been struggling with what to wear and how to have my hair so it doesn’t get super dirty or staticky from the helmet. Lol are these the firstest of the world problems or what?!?!?! When I realize and ponder this reality, I am humbled and overcome with gratitude that I am living this life this way. I have my fair share of problems, but God takes care of me and provides all that I need. I am so grateful for a God who knows the desires of my heart and makes a way for me to enjoy so many different aspects of His marvelous creation!

Kinda like earlier this year when I started pursuing surfing and it all came together so beautifully. The friends that surfed, people teaching me, opportunities to go (but not excessively). Not everybody is a thrill seeker or adventurer like me. But for those of us who are, DO what makes you feel alive. That doesn’t mean that a surf session or a motorcycle ride has to be on the plate every single day, but make time to do things that satisfy your soul! Of course I believe that Jesus is the ultimate satisfaction, but He also created the world and everything in it for us to enjoy and reflect our gratitude to Him and glory in HIS artistry and creativity.

Life sure is an interesting ride. Pun intended. I will post some pictures if I make it out of this ride alive. JK but hey, y’never know! Though with my track record I’m probably more likely to perish by slipping down the stairs and cracking my head on the wall or doing some other idiotic, mundane task. HAHHA I accidentally just typed “mundance”. I reaaaaaaally like that. Since combining words is one of my favowite things to do (yes, I spelled that wrong on purpose πŸ˜› )

Okay you beautiful lovely people. God bless you and happy Sunday!! I love you all <3



“Too much prep”

“Too much prep”


He said as he saw me scraping the old wax off this board and starting to rewax it. “That sport requires too much prep.” Hey buddy, it’s not for everyone… but I’m not gonna trade it for a few minutes of TLC.

Though there are SOME things in life that can definitely feel that way. Laundry? Dishes? Cleaning? Can I get an Amen?! Lol like can these things maybe do themselves?!

Everything we have requires maintenance. Tangible things like our bodies, houses, cars; and intangible things like relationships with God and other people. If we neglect maintenance, things break and fall apart. God didn’t make us to sit around and be idle. He created us to work! Prepare. Care ❀️ bear burdens.

Not to say there’s not a time to cease. Pause. Delight. In fact, resting, delighting and remembering is extremely VITAL. And I’ll do that when I get out on the water πŸ™‚ but in the meantime, maintenance is required. And I choose to view it as investing in future opportunites to delight even harder. From a unique oceanic viewpoint πŸ˜‰πŸŒŠΒ #workhardΒ #workhardplayhard




The Summary of Surfing

“So like, where are the waves?”

Was the question running through my mind yesterday afternoon. The answer soon came from this summary of surfing: Surfing is 80% paddling and 20% surfing. πŸ˜‚Β #patience

Patience on the water seems easier to have because you’re anticipating that next perfect wave that will be both challenging and satisfying. And you get to enjoy God’s beautiful creation simultaneously 🌊 the glittering sunlight in the water… The beautiful people surrounding you. The wind over the water. Maybe an occasional dolphin or whale 🐬

Patience off the water can seem so frustrating. Being in a slow-moving line at the grocery store or in traffic or wondering why somebody in your life just “doesn’t get it” when you think they should have by now. It’s SO incredibly easy to take on the “let’s GO!” mindset of hurrying and being busy. So I have a challenge:

Will you join me in living a life of hopeful expectancy? That the waves (whatever “waves” you’re hoping will come) will come? That you’ll be able to ride them out and enjoy them?

Sometimes God puts us in a place of waiting, and it can seem like the thing will never be resolved or will never come around. I’m here to encourage you to wait, patiently, and enjoy what’s around you while you’re waiting πŸ™‚

& coming from that mindset of gratitude and grace, you’ll then be able to ride whatever wave comes your way… Strongly and satisfyingly πŸ’™ and encourage others along the way πŸ™‚

❀️ If you’re with me!



First time surfing

Well. Okay, yes. This will be my first OFFICIAL surfing lesson.

I tried “surfing” a few weeks ago which was really me attempting to stand up on a surf board on flat water for 2 hours. It went over about as well as it sounds like it might.

To sum it up in one sentence for you I shall share this short anecdote: a 6 year old asked me if she “could try” after my hundreds of failed attempts to stand up on this thing. On her first try she managed to stand up and say how “easy” it was.

Thank you child. I shall return to my floppy misery now. Only joking. I enjoyed getting up and trying again and again. Falling and getting back up. It was actually a pretty sweet metaphor for life. πŸ˜€

ANYWAYZ. I’m taking a legitimate lesson tomorrow with a friend which will be FUN! And then hopefully we can go surf other more legitimate places together! Teehee!!!!!!! My summer dreams coming true. <3

I will update y’all tomorrow with how this thing goes! Follow me for more adventure posts about running, biking, hiking, rock climbing, swimming, skiing (it’s been a minute but ayy), salsa dancing, bachata dancing………… and whatever other opportunities come my way!

Cheers to life and God and all of His wonderful creation!





Indoor rock climbing to be specific. I went yesterday for the first time in………. 5 years? And I haven’t been consistently going since ….. 2013? Haha basically it’s been a hot minute. My trip out to Joshua Tree in 2014 was the last real outdoor climbing trip I had minus the recent one I did.

Man that was a super legit spring break trip.


This is a shot from going outdoors recently.

That was a hard route. I was trying it because, why not. But it was above my skill level. Haha. Super fun though. Except for the fact that it ripped off my fingertips on both hands. So when I went to unlock my phone with my fingerprint, my phone didn’t recognize my finger. Since the tip was ripped off. Hahaha





Apparently your body doesn’t like vigorous climbing activities after not going climbing for ~6/7 years. Who woulda thunk?!?!πŸ˜‚

As a result I came down with a bad case of DOMS today. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Which got progressively worse throughout the day. The cure: moving my body. I tried resting, rubbing arnica on it, taking a hot bath. All of those things were generally helpful. But it came down to biking around my neighborhood a few times (I did around 10 laps, which is 10 miles) and felt WAY better after that. πŸ™‚

It was worth it though. It was super fun to go and I definitely want to go again soon. I actually will probably go this Wednesday πŸ˜€ as long as I can cancel my plans to go biking. Which shouldn’t be too hard because it’s supposed to t-storm on Wednesday anyways. πŸ˜›

mmk. Th-th-th-that’s all for now folks!

