First motorcycle ride (and reflecting on alcohol)

Eeeeeeeeeeeeek ohmigoodness guys. I am SO nervous and excited right now! Mostly excited 😀 because I’m about to go on my FIRST EVER motorcycle ride!!!!!!!

Hahahaha seriously this is hilarious that I’m even doing this. I definitely did NOT anticipate this or plan it. Lol but the other night I was talking to a friend about an upcoming event and he asked me if I wanted to ride with him on his MOTO and I was like maaaaaybe. And then he said that I could try riding it first this weekend and guys, I said yes. Lol

Just being completely honest here, not too much time had passed since the margarita that I had drank before this conversation took place. 😂 😂 😂 No shame.

Regarding alcohol and christianity:

I believe that alcohol is a good gift from God. Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine. Enjoying a social drink with friends is a wonderful thing. However, the bible says that drunkenness is wrong. I actually did a video on this. Check it out here. (And please subscribe to my YouTube channel for videos on how to improve your relationship with God, others and yourself!)

Just keep this in mind; every choice we make in life ripples out. For some people, even having one drink messes up their whole life or their family’s lives. The fact is, some people simply should NOT drink alcohol. I thank God that I am able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage every now and again, but the truth of the matter is, if I never drank alcohol again I would be 1000% okay with that. It’s not my be-all, end-all.

And please God, if you have a drinking problem, send me an email at and I will be happy to pray for you and encourage you.

Now, back to my motorcycle ride. lol


Last night I watched several videos (a couple were 20+ minutes long) on how to ride a motorcycle for beginners. My friend is actually going to teach me how to ride this thing. But first I’m just going to ride with him.

I’ve been struggling with what to wear and how to have my hair so it doesn’t get super dirty or staticky from the helmet. Lol are these the firstest of the world problems or what?!?!?! When I realize and ponder this reality, I am humbled and overcome with gratitude that I am living this life this way. I have my fair share of problems, but God takes care of me and provides all that I need. I am so grateful for a God who knows the desires of my heart and makes a way for me to enjoy so many different aspects of His marvelous creation!

Kinda like earlier this year when I started pursuing surfing and it all came together so beautifully. The friends that surfed, people teaching me, opportunities to go (but not excessively). Not everybody is a thrill seeker or adventurer like me. But for those of us who are, DO what makes you feel alive. That doesn’t mean that a surf session or a motorcycle ride has to be on the plate every single day, but make time to do things that satisfy your soul! Of course I believe that Jesus is the ultimate satisfaction, but He also created the world and everything in it for us to enjoy and reflect our gratitude to Him and glory in HIS artistry and creativity.

Life sure is an interesting ride. Pun intended. I will post some pictures if I make it out of this ride alive. JK but hey, y’never know! Though with my track record I’m probably more likely to perish by slipping down the stairs and cracking my head on the wall or doing some other idiotic, mundane task. HAHHA I accidentally just typed “mundance”. I reaaaaaaally like that. Since combining words is one of my favowite things to do (yes, I spelled that wrong on purpose 😛 )

Okay you beautiful lovely people. God bless you and happy Sunday!! I love you all <3



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